The true growth for the short term will be delivering your content to those 12' or lean back experiences. I am looking forward to the next couple of years!
My belief if you are interested is that 3D is a fad and a way to get more money out of us.
The true growth for the short term will be delivering your content to those 12' or lean back experiences. I am looking forward to the next couple of years!
My belief if you are interested is that 3D is a fad and a way to get more money out of us.Netflix and their support of iPads and soon to be iPhone as well as computers, and game consoles is driving some pretty strong numbers to Netflix. Of an even more interesting note is how Netflix total minutes has been on a steady climb while Hulu had a very steep decline in June. The battle of the streaming services has begun.
For many people, their mobile phone—and access to the Internet—is always within reach. App Inventor for Android gives everyone, regardless of programming experience, the opportunity to control and reshape their communication experience. We’ve observed people take pride in becoming creators of mobile technology and not just consumers of it.
A new report from Pew shows how younger aged adults understand about taking steps to lock down their information. The curious thing however is that this is still a decrease over the last study.
Also of interest in the same report is how many people search for their names. This is interesting watching year over year how we are fascinated with what may come up when we search for our name. I have to admit while I don't do this on a regular basis I use Google Alerts to automatically search everyday.
The study really is an interesting read.
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As you can see by the image below it should be showing up soon. Also as I was typing this I noticed that the spell correct on the iPad iAds corrects to aids but the iPhone running iOS 4 does not. Amazing what a generation of software does.
For this installment I am going to highlight an app that let's me keep all of my notes and important links all in one place.This fantastic app is called Evernote.
Welcome to the first in a 30 day series on applications that I find useful in everyday life. This list will include apps for the iPhone, iPad, as well as the Mac. While a lot of these applications are Mac based many are cloud based and have PC clients that work very similar to the Mac clients.
Maybe NSFW but a good take by John Gruber. My favorite:
Apple: We have gone back to our labs and retested everything, and the results are the same — the iPhone 4’s wireless performance is the best we have ever shipped. For the vast majority of users who have not been troubled by this issue, this software update will only make your bars more accurate. For those who have had concerns, we apologize for any anxiety we may have caused.
John: Don’t f*$k this thing up for us. We mean, have you seen the Retina Display?
It looks like flash may be having another nail being put in it's coffin with the release of Hulu Plus. This will be available on the iPad as well as iPhone. Now I know it is $9.95 a month, but I think I may just give it a try for a couple of months and see what I think.
This is yet another way that we are continuing the transition to content when and were we want it, but this time it is delivered wirelessly instead of us downloading it.