Friday, November 24, 2006

Stephen Spielberg anti viewing movies on iPods?

A statement he made through Reuters/Hollywood Reporter:

"That's one medium where I have to draw the line," he said. "We'll shoot for television and the movies and let there be a wide gap" between that and the small 3-inch screen. He also said that he felt that people are social animals who will choose to go out to a movie rather than watch a show on wide screen."

Now I can agree with this statement in principle, but after watching a few episodes of Grey's Anatomy playing off my iPod onto my TV I will have to disagree. The general principal of viewing content on the smaller screen is not without its challenges, but the realization of the when we want it world is coming. I certainly hope the MPAA is up to letting us have it our way.

I also know that in a recent Nielsen study it shows- less than 1% of content items played by iPod users on either iTunes or the device itself were videos. Among video iPod users, that percentage barely improves, up to 2.2%. So video is not being played back using the iPod, but what if it was a different experience. Media today is not necessarily targeted at this small device, but it can be used as a tool to shift that content and make it easier to playback on other devices like your television. I also believe this shows that there is a large opportunity for growth within this market if the user experience can be improved.

So the future of media is yet to be truly determined, but with Apple, Microsoft, Tivo, SlingBox, and many more actively working on how we can shift the media to when we want it I believe it is only a matter of time.

Why the TSA should think differently

Marketing guru Seth Godin rants on his experience in travelling in the last week and why the TSA should be different. On a more personal note Jo Ann flew to Denver last week and had a very similar experience as Seth writes.

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