Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Science of BendFilm

Well I am not sure it is science, luck, or experience, but this year we are trafficking over 100 films for BendFilm. This truly is an undertaking and we could not be doing it without the front end staff of BendFIlm as well as our trusty traffic guy Buck. Buck and Jo Ann single handily have made sure that all of the films are on there way and will arrive with just enough time. It really is amazing what we are doing in the background. Jo Ann wanted me to talk about it last year and I really should have so here is what is going on right now.

Jo Ann is making final DVD copies of films for the judges to watch to pick the winners.
I (Matt) am typing this post while making sure a crucial part of the process is working.
Buck is taking a well deserved break after a long day of hammering through an exhaustive Google Doc on Google Apps for your domain making sure all of the films are in route.

So what technology did we use today:

  • Google Apps for Your Domain – the reason is because in addition to Google Docs we have a site within the domain that contains a time sheet and a problem tracker that we use for debrief as well as a few more great tools that I will talk about tomorrow.
  • BendFilm is an all digital festival with the exception of 35mm which is handled by a remarkable staff here locally at the Old Mill Regal Theater. Right now a film is going on to a hard drive through a little magical conversion process. Well actually an Elgato turbo.264 HD. This little USB stick will speed up any film that arrives on DVD.
  • We also have been getting hard drives that contain the films encoded specifically for us by the filmmakers to take advantage of our unique playback system.

Just a small glimpse of what is going on. Tomorrow – The tools of playback.

Posted via email from Pinnacle Media Inc.

Friday, September 25, 2009

I love this app for the iPhone, but...

Take a look at this video-

This is an amazing application. I am very excited about the future of augmented reality and how it may be used for both commercial as well as non commercial applications. 

What really got me is that what could have been a really good product demonstration turns into a shaky rendition of what the application may look like. Will I still by the app? Well probably, but if you do product videos just take the time to at least put the camera on a tripod or better yet just call us at Pinnacle Media and we will make it look exceptional. NO MORE SHAKY YOUTUBE CAM!

You may go about your day now.

now where did I put my augmented reality see into the future app....

Posted via email from The ramblings of a video geek

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How we watch video is changing. . .

Video is not dead it just is changing and you can see how this transition has started to accelerate with the addition of timeshifting as well as the remarkable uptick in watching video on the internet compared to Q2 of last year.

Posted via web from The ramblings of a video geek

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Giving Back Part 2

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Today was a long and interesting one. Why? Well it began at 8:20 with Jo Ann and I getting out of the car at the Redmond Fairgrounds for Project Connect. The mission of Project Connect is to rally our region to support and create lasting solutions for those experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness here in Central Oregon. Today was their annual event that they hold to allow those in need to find the tools all in one place. Our task was to document the event. Not an easy task.

This event is massive in scale from all standpoints. I overheard numbers that included close to 2,000 people coming through the doors to get help, 300+ volunteers, 600+ medical release forms for people possibly seeking treatment, and at least in my case one heart truly touched. This event is truly a labor of love for a lot of the volunteers with one interview of a volunteer detailing a story about a young family that had very few of their necessities including diapers. Due to this event they at least were given a few of the things that they needed, but they had run out of diapers at the event and due to some kind volunteers they were able to supply the family with some for a few days. Truly a touching moment and realization of us looking out for our fellow humans.

What does this say about the area we live in though? It is a tough area to live with recent stats including possibly being 6th in the nation per capita for homeless including over 700 homeless school age kids. All of us really should appreciate what we have and if there is anyway give back. Give back by volunteering. Give back by donating money. Just give...

Find out more about Project Connect here.
Find out more about Partnership to End Poverty here.

Posted via email from The ramblings of a video geek

Friday, September 18, 2009

A quick look at some work that we have recently done

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This is a short sampling of some work we have helped create. In the case of the FireFree spots we provided location production and post production services for this three spot package produced by 14 Hands Agency for their client, "Fire Free". The spots are the creation of Director/Cinematographer Virgil L. Harper, and were shot using Central Oregon crew, equipment, talent, and locations.


Posted via email from The ramblings of a video geek

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Amazing Shoot!

We love great clients and this is one of those.

Ruff Wear!
We got a chance to tape a new product demonstration for the double back harness that will be for sale very soon. This video is so that the owners as well as dealers understand how to properly use the harness. The harness is for those climbing enthusiasts that want to bring their dog with them. Look for the video after the first of October at http://www.ruffwear.com

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Giving Part 1

~ I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. ~
Maya Angelou

As individuals we all have to determine what we feel we should give to. What is the value we place on the organization for us.

As a business right now it seems even tougher with potentially dwindling margins and profits. What if we were to change our thought process. What if instead of looking at it as a burden we look at it as an opportunity. While we all must run our business to profit (the true definition of business) we begin to loose the human side of business. We as business owners should reach out and engage with the organizations that matter within our community which in turn keeps us in touch with the human side.

Engagement is something different than just giving money. In fact engagement has nothing to do with money at all. Engagement is more about time. Engagement is about giving of yourself through your experience and expertise. What if we all took 1 hour a week to truly engage with a local group that is working to make a difference?

I feel strongly that we all should be doing this as business owners. Engage with an organization that needs help. Share your time, your expertise, your passion, and truly begin to understand who the organization is and why they do what they do.

Posted via email from The ramblings of a video geek