Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Week in review

So the festival ended on Saturday with much fanfare... It was very enjoyable and I look forward to doing more of those sort of projects in the hopefully near future, but in the mean time it is time to get down to work on a few production projects... To do:
1) United Way
2) Working Wonders (children's museum)
3) Beaver Motorcoaches DVD
4) Avenue H (promo DVD)
5) Website
6) Keep my sanity... Just kidding

There is a lot going on, but you know I love it. When I think of the future it truly is very bright!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Another day in paradise.

You know when I look back on this I hope I read this time with joy in knowing that I started this business and grew it from scratch. Right now I seem to be getting more production than event jobs, but sometimes you need to shift to where the market is. I shot the intro for the local United Way today and will be shooting some extra footage to drop in to cover some holes and complement the production tomorrow. Everyday something new and different. Oh and by the way on a personal nature there is always a chance to try something again.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

A picture from the Cascade Festival Of Music. It was a great night tonight with a fantastic soloist and great camera work by the camera guys. Had a great time and I am looking forward to the closing night on Saturday which should be a very good concert.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Thoughts for the night?

So... I think some that have happened upon this have noticed possibly a lament of loss in some of my posts of a more personal nature. I wonder why we often are put in someones life to only have it not quite work. I am listening to one of the pieces that we shot today and it has a hint of remorse and wonder... Much like I feel right now. Music for me is my release... Only through allowing myself to listen and appreciate can I let go of the bottled up pain and heartache that I feel. I do not want to loose this one... I have been touched in a different way, and yet I think I have already and we just are going through the motions... Why must it be so hard?

Here is a picture of today's project. I am working with a great group by the name of Avenue H. We are working on a promotional DVD for them as a way to introduce themselves to prospective clients. They are a group of very talented musicians that made a long day very enjoyable. Look for links to clips when the DVD is done.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Night Number 2

Okay... So shot wise and production wise it was great! It is great working with people who know what they are doing! We uh... had another problem with the screen though... Lets just say I hate gaff tape and humidity. Those two things are not a good combination at all. I think people are enjoying what we are doing but we have one little issue with the screen to work out before Wednesday. I am sure we will make it happen... One step closer to a dream!

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Day one done!

We completed the opening night with generally good reviews. One lesson learned is that the screen should have been front projection due to the musicians seeing themselves in the screen from behind. Oh well.. Looks like we are going to have to change things up today or tomorrow. It was a blast though! I love doing live multi-camera stuff! Man these are definetly rambling run on sentances!

Friday, August 20, 2004

My current project

So spent most of the day hooking up 3 cameras for IMAG (image magnification) of the Cascade Festival Of Music. I am working for a local company here called Leonardi Media Arts who got the project. It is always good to get back to my production and engineering roots! We start tomorrow night with the opening concert. This is the first year that this is being done so we will see how it goes.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

The coast adventure... A picture of a sand castle built by those great kids.

Thoughts from the coast

So each day does not get easier, but finds me wondering what if? What if it had been different? What if I could move? Who knows… We are where we are, and I think it is probably better that way, but I can’t help but think of the words of the Vanessa Carlton song Twilight “I will never see the sky the same way and I will learn to say goodbye to yesterday . . .” Telling in many ways for me. I feel I truly was not “alive” until recently and because of this I have the light again… I must keep it lit and glowing at full brightness. The beach has been good for me because it has allowed me to relax and let me allow myself to feel the pain and grief. Amazing how personal this it, but perhaps it is better getting it out into the open. It has allowed me to see this in a new light and let others perhaps benefit from it.

As the dream has come from sleep
The reality comes from the dreams….

Monday, August 16, 2004

Time slips bye....

When you look at what you have accomplished in you life measure it not by how much love you have amassed, but how much you have given love to others... For in this lies how we can all show each other how we can all get along. Okay so a little philosophical, but I felt it needs to be said. Maybe it is my way of letting go... I know this is supposed to be about my new business, but I think it can be about my life in all of the pain and glory. Each day goes by and I wonder what is around the next corner... Never assume that you know what is truly going on... Live like there is no tomorrow because there just maybe a change in the winds that will take you a different way the next day. Ride the winds of change and you will never be bored. So with this I sail off until tomorrow!

On my way to my project last week! Posted by Hello

My first post!

So a little about myself- I am a 30 year old single father of two wonderful kids. They spend half of their time with me and half with their mom. I guess I start out with this because behind my grand adventure are these two great kids.

What is my grand adventure... Well it is a new business. I know half of all new businesses fail in the first couple of years, but after spending 10 years working for a small company and now one that is a small corporation I just want to be my own boss. I am not sure if I can do the corporate thing, at least right now. I just enjoy the one on one interaction that I can get with the clients by being on my own.

So maybe I have grand plans and dreams for taking event production where I live to a new level... Well we shall see.