Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Apple live streams their event again!

Apple has announced they will be live streaming their event today! Take a look by pointing your apple device here.

Posted via email from The ramblings of a video geek

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

We want our internet-connected TVs

You can tell by this graph here-

Also note the potential growth curve of these sets.

As a side note I recently purchase a new set. It was not internet connected, but I did order my new Roku. I really believe boxes will make more sense in at least the near future as we will be able to change the software in them to add new channels and functions. The current crop of TVs are not really up to it when it comes to software. It make sense because what do TV makers do? They make hardware not software.

Posted via email from The ramblings of a video geek