Friday, June 27, 2008

What a meeting should be

I really enjoy Seth Godin. His post today is very much relevant to how I feel about meetings. Make them different and watch the results. Click on the link to find out some more specifics.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The new television show we have been working on!

I present you with episode 8. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Business Travel Today vs Days of Yesterday

When I began this venture a while ago I set out to create a nice little niche for myself in Bend. I have slowly began to travel more and more for work with a culmination of a recent trip to Atascadero for some consulting work. What I was struck with was the difference of travel today vs what even a generation ago would have done.

I was hired by a company out of Portland to travel and set-up two Final Cut Pro workstations for Charter Media in Atascadero California. What I realized was the first difference was being able to leave from Redmond and be able to end up in Santa Barbara. Kind of a mistake flying in there as it is about a two hour drive, but hey it was a good drive. While I am completely comfortable in the computer world I struggle with being in cities that I do not know. I had a bit of anxiety over making it and where I was going so the next difference was renting a GPS from Enterprise. I am pleased to say it did not take me into any ocean and took me right to my destination. This was truly a trip down memory lane as growing up my grandmother lived in Nipomo. I decided to stop. Thanks to a quick call to my aunt I was able to find the house that does not look much different than it did when I was growing up. I arrived rather late into Atascadero, but was greeted by a very nice hotel called the Carlton that is just down the road from the job. Now the whole thing was arranged by the company I was working for over the internet with confirmations sent right to me. Very easy and a very different experience than you would have even 8 years ago.

The hotel had wifi and a wired connection for internet which was a pleasant surprise and a very nice feature as a lot of hotels in this price point force you to pay for internet. A welcome change and a definite selling feature. In the morning I woke up and traveled to the job. I was able to get the two stations configured including wiring up an entire one after moving 3 decks from an existing edit bay. This is where the story has another interesting side note because of some improvements to our infrastructure I was able to edit a spot while in the hotel and upload it back to Bend. This is a definite time savings and allows me greater access and flexibility. A special thanks to Darren back in Bend who put it back to tape.

On the final day I was able to spend about 4 hours training the staff who have virtually no experience editing with Final Cut and it was great to see them understand and hopefully catch hold enough to begin doing spots. I then followed my trusty GPS back to Santa Barbara and filled up with gas so I would not be charged the service fee. Finally on my way home, I type this in LA as I await the 9:00 to Redmond. This will be posted in the wee hours of the morning on that series of tubes.

So what has changed within a generation-
-2 states in 3 days
-240 miles being tracked by a gps
-2 non-linear editing stations with 3.6TBs each
-TSA (good experiences this time around)
-1 spot completed and delivered while on the road
-1 crazy picture of the propeller of the plane (taken with my BlackBerry)
-1 very tired consultant- Okay this was probably true back then also

Thanks Jo for picking me up!