Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Launch Pad 2005

Not a very great picture, but one I snapped earlier today before we installed the AV. This was a first year event called Launch Pad. It was a high tech event that was very enjoyable and satisfying to do. The keynote speaker was Dr. Moira Gunn and it was interesting to listen to what she had to say about innovation and technology and how it relates to Central Oregon.

I am also struck at how dynamic a presentation has the potential to be if you take a little time to plan. I guess why I say this is most people in my viewpoint only view PowerPoint as a way to an end, but imagine if you could use it to create a dynamic presentation. Now PowerPoint is probably the worst at playing back video clips, but it does excel at facts. Now imagine if you were to mix those facts with live dynamic media from a DVD or even from the web. This would involve your audience and tie them into your message. What if you were even able to make a podcast of the speech and have it available for a small fee on a CD for them to take home. Something definitely to think about.

We really did have a unique environment at Launch Pad because we had at least 2 live sources of wireless internet. What this would allow is truly the ability to use the web as a realtime tool to show off websites or other tools online. Increasingly venues offer this sort of option and you could then also do realtime graphics that pull from a website. Just some rants for the night!

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