Sunday, May 14, 2006

Event last night

We helped produce an event for the Cascade Festival of Music. It went very well. I guess I can't stop fighting this strange feeling of the amount of hours it takes to do an event right and yet it goes by so quick. I used some new software from Serious Magic called Ovation that does amazing things, but it still takes some time to get it to look right. When I put together a show I prefer to layer graphics with transparencies. Now I am not a Photoshop wizard, but at least feather and make the edges softer. This takes time and a lot of it. Do people notice? I hope so. I think I do it because I can and feel it is right.

This time is the difficult thing because when you say I will put together your PowerPoint people think okay well it should take you about an hour so I will pay you accordingly. Now I am not saying this is the case with the production we did last night, but it goes to show the perception that people have.

This thought goes towards how each of us as contractors should value each others time. We should be thinking about not trying to underestimate, but overestimate on our projects. We should do this not in the interest of gouging the client, but to allow the time to do the job right. If we take less time then we bill the client for less.

Let all of us take the time to do things right.

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